Durch das Internet hat man schnell Freunde in der ganzen Welt. Heute hat mir Pat aus Südafrika geschrieben, weil er meine Hilfe braucht. Ich kenne ihn zwar nicht persönlich, weiß auch nicht wie er meine eMail-adresse erhalten hat, aber Menschen in Not helfe ich doch allemal gerne.
Pat will das Erbe seines Vaters sichern. Zwanzig Millionen US-Dollar sollen aus Zimbabwe herausgeschleust und auf einem europäischen Konto eingezahlt werden. Für diese Kleinigkeit verspricht er mir 25% Provision, also vier Millionen Dollar. Doch als ich mit meiner Bank telefoniert habe, ob ich darüber diese Transaktion mal schnell abwickeln könne, musste ich mich eines Besseren belehren lassen.
"Herr OskarMaria," sagte der Bankbeamte, "es tut mir leid Ihnen mitteilen zu müssen, aber ihr Konto ist bereits völlig ausgereizt. Zwanzig Millionen Dollar können wir nicht mehr reinstopfen, dafür ist kein Platz. Stellen Sie sich die Sache wie eine große Tonne vor, ein paar Hunderttausender gehen noch rein, aber zwanzig Mille brächten das Fass zum überlaufen."
Da Pat mein Freund ist, will ich ihm helfen. Deshalb reiche ich seine Bitte an Euch weiter. Vielleicht ist jemand von Euch bereit, mal auf die Schnelle so vier Milliönchen zu verdienen. Gegen zehn Prozent des Verdienstes, natürlich im Voraus
, bekommt ihr auch seine eMail-Adresse und eine neue Welt steht Euch offen. Denn mit den restlichen 3,6 Millionen lassen sich doch einige Webserver einige Zeit betreiben. Hier sein Brief:
You may be surprised to receive this letter from me since you don't know me personally, but for the introduction, I am MR. PAT XYZ..., the son of MR. KALU XYZ... who was recently murdered in the land dispute in Zimbabwe. I got your contact from the INTERNATIONAL TRADE CENTRE here in Johannesburg and I decided to write you.
My late father was among the few black Zimbabwean rich farmers murdered in cold blood by the agents of ruling government of the resident Robert Mugabe for his alleged support and sympathy for the Zimbabwean opposition party, partly controlled by the white minority.
Before his death, he had taken me to Johannesburg to deposit the sum of TWENTY MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS (USM) with a security and finance company as if he knew the looming danger in Zimbabwe. The money was deposited in a box as Gemstone to avoid much demurrage from the security company. his money was earmarked for the purchase of new machinery and chemicals for the establishment of new farms in Lesotho and Swaziland.
This land problem arose when president Robert Mugabe introduced a new land reform act, which wholly affected the rich white farmers and some few blacks who vehemently condemned the 'Modus Operand! adopted by the government. This resulted to rampant killings and mob action by the war veterans and some political thugs. So far, more than forty-nine (49) people have been killed and countless number of farm workers displaced.
Heads of government from the West, especially Britain and the United States of America have voiced their condemnation of Mugabe's plan. Subsequently, the Southern Africa Development Community (SADEC) has continuously supported Mugabe's new land reform Act.
It is against this background that I and my family who are currently staying in South Africa have decided to transfer my father's money into a foreign bank account. As the eldest son of my father,I am saddly with the responsibility of seeking a genuine foreign account where this money could be transferred without the knowledge of my government who are tactically freezing our family wealth and South African government seems to be playing around with them, I am faced with the dilemma of investing this amount of money in South Africa for the fear of encountering the same experience in future since both countries have almost the same political history. More so, the South African foreign policy does not allow such investment hence I am seeking for asylum.
As a businessman whom I must entrust my future and that of my family on his hands, I must let you know that this transaction is 100% risk-free and the nature of your business does not necessarily matter.
Therefore, if you accept to assist my family and me, we are willing to offer you 25% of the total sum for your assistance, 70% for my family and me, while 5% will be mapped out for all expenses. I would wish to invest in your country on commercial property based on your personal or company account.
If this proposal is acceptable by you, please do send to me your personal details, name and address, bank name and address, telephone and fax numbers. You should know that this business is highly confidential and shall be kept within you alone. I hope to hear from you on the above fax and phone numbers.
Best regards,
MR. PAT xyz...